Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Here's a not at all original idea that I believe I first learned of in Kindergarten. The 'poem' using the first letter of a word. (clever - eh?) So in the spirit of giving thanks and as we are learning to celebrate Thanksgiving in November(American) instead of October(Canadian) - here are a few things I am thankful for:

T - Time - spent in fun with family and friends and also spent in work and raising children - I'm thankful for the time I have.

H - Hannah - our sweet and sassy girl. I'm thankful for her good health and sharp mind, her quick wit and generous heart, her loving kindness to her brother and her spirit of independence.

A - Apples- my favorite fruit at my favorite time of year. I'm thankful for good food and abundance.

N - Nathaniel - our loving, cuddly boy. I'm thankful for his sound body and mending spirit, his silly jokes and infectious giggle, his gentle adoration of his sister and his all-boy energy.

K - our Kitties - though they drive me mad at times I am thankful for for the sweet joy and silly antics they bring to our family.

S - Spouse - this should be its own blog. I am thankful for having such a partner and friend in this crazy life - I would be lost without him!

G - Girlfriends - I am so, so blessed to have so many wonderful and caring friends. There is nothing so sweet as having girlfriends to share laughs, complaints and comforts with. I am thankful that my cup overflows in this area!

I - Invitations - to spend time with friends where we can share of ourselves and grow from the fellowship. (Plus every time I get an invitation it makes me feel like a popular kid again!) I am thankful to be invited.

V - Votes - although I cant vote in the US, I am grateful for the process. I'm thankful for the chance each of us has to voice our opinion.

I - Inspiration. I could not think of anything to be thankful for that starts with another I . . . helpful though my husband's suggestion of irregation was . . . I am thankful for the inspiration to write, and create and perform.

N - November - after growing up in the cold and snow of Canada's winters (that often start around Halloween), I love the fact that November in the Northwest is still painted with the reds and oranges and yellows of falling leaves. I'm thankful for the beauty of my corner of the world.

G - God - our Father from whom all blessing flow - may I continue to grow in your Love all the days of my life. I am thankful to be your loving child.


Goofiernu said...

Still laughing at "irrigation".... Will add more when I'm done giggling. :)

annaliese said...

you are just so creative! what a fun post--I do remember doing these poems in school!