Sunday, April 21, 2013

All purpose general Household (kitchen cleaner)

I've been inspired lately to create non-toxic, environmentally and wallet friendly versions of some of my everyday house-hold cleaners.  They are inexpensive, work just as well (if not better!) than store bought versions - and I know exactly what goes into them!

Here is the recipe I used for my all purpose general/kitchen cleaner.  I love this one - because the essential oils smell SO great but they are actually really excellent anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and even anti-fungal agents (do your research to decide which ones will work best for your needs).  I used Lavender, Orange, Lime and Lemongrass. I also used a natural organic dish-soap cause I already had that in the house.

All Purpose Spray Cleaner:

1 1/2 teas baking soda
2 teas liquid dishsoap
3 cups boiled water (cooled)
1cup vinegar
15-25 drops (about 1/2 teas) essential oils

I made this in a med bowl before pouring into a spray bottle.  The vinegar and  baking soda WILL foam up.  Don't panic - just give it a few minutes to cool its jets :)


I love, love, love this cleaner.  I've used it in both my kitchen and bathroom now.  It smells GREAT and does a really nice job.  It even took up some makeup stains on my bathroom counter that did not come up with my traditional bathroom spray!

I also love the idea that after I've cleaned my toilet I'm not sitting on any leftover chemicals - but on lovely smelling essential oils which are also antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial!

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