Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Memories

Engagement photos - 1995. Hard to believe it has been that long!!!

Even harder to believe - I learn to love this man that God gave me, not more each day as the cliche goes, but in deserts and storms, dry spells and floods, joys and sorrows, heartfelt and heartache.

Love you E.


byumomof4 said...

You guys are a great pair :)

StefRobrts said...

Aw, so sweet. That's just how life goes.

annaliese said...

so beautiful--the photo and the sentiment :)

Unknown said...

someone told me today that E looks Exactly the same but I look completely different. Sigh. (I might have mentioned that I am 30lbs heavier and 15yrs older than this pic) . . . but they said no - its the CRAZY GLASSES!! LOL . Yep me and Andrea from 90210 we were styling I swear . . . . . . .