Monday, January 30, 2012

It's raining THEATER!

Wow - its been a super busy, crazy theater filled life these past few weeks!!

Into The Woods closed last weekend - what a fun show that is!  I had a pretty small part in this production - so I had lots of time to help with building the set and once we opened helping other cast mates with their quick changes and makeup.  It reminded me how much I enjoy those sorts of creative outlets - arts and crafts, building, painting, makeup etc.  I need to find more ways to be creative in my life!

During our second week of production I had the pleasure of directing a Staged Reading for the annual Fertile Ground Festival in Portland.  Its a festival of new works of art (visual, dance, theater, musicals etc) that runs 10 days in Jan every year.  Its a festival that is gaining momentum and every year it is bigger & better!  I am so pleased to have been a part of it!!

I've also had a plethora of auditions in the past couple of weeks.  I auditioned for the musical You're A Good Man Charlie Brown.  I love this show - I played Snoopy in high school and it remains one of my favorite theater memories.  The script was revised and expanded for a Broadway revival in 1999 and has a bunch of new music -  its fantastic!  I got the part of Sally and even though we just started I am having a BLAST at rehearsals so far!

I also got called in to audition for Imago Theater in Portland.  I had sent my resume to this company some time ago - so it was quite a thrill to be chosen for an audition.  I felt it went well - but the style of the theater is very avant guard, whimsical, edgy, experimental and alternative.  Think - David Mamet meets Cirque de Soliel.   (no idea how that is spelled!)  Anyway - I didn't get a call back (yet:) for that show - but I hope to have the opportunity to audition for them again!

Yesterday I had the chance to participate in a singing 'Salon' with some of Portland's finest voices.  Its quite an honor to be included and once you are 'in' on the salons it becomes a 'soft audition' of sorts.  Lots of sharing, feedback and a very relaxed and encouraging atmosphere!  What a neat experience!!  I sang two pieces and it went very well! The gal 'in charge' made a point of saying how she was looking forward to working with me in the future - that is a very good sign!!  This group puts together some pretty fantastic professional Cabaret shows at a very cool venue in Portland.  Fingers crossed!!!

And finally!  I have started teaching an acting class for adults with one of the local community theaters here in Vancouver.  Its the kind of class I have always wanted to teach - and I am having a good time with it!  It is so rewarding to pass on the things you have learned and see others grow in their craft!  Also, I have a potential job offer from a theater school in West Linn (suburb of Portland) and am waiting to hear back on that - so exciting!!  If I get it - I will be teaching weekend seminars for advanced teen actors in the summer - how cool is that?!

So thats all the theater going on right now for me!  whew!  I'd say that was all - but Hannah is still plugging away with the Junior Symphony of  Vancouver and rapidly growing into a find cellist.  She is also now first chair in her school orchestra :)  And Eric is back in the Pit playing guitar for New Century Players upcoming "Hairspray!".  So between the three of us - there is not one day a week without somekind of rehearsal!!

I wouldn't have it any other way :)

1 comment:

StefRobrts said...

I really enjoyed Into the Woods, but I wish there's been more of you and Jon Q in it! You sang beautifully!