Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What does Christmas mean to you??

It has been a heck of theatrical year for me! I have had the great fortune to direct some of the most difficult and inspiring plays of my directorial career (thus far) Steel Magnolias and WIT - being heart-wrenching and lovely and hard among them. In addition I also played Susie in Wait Until Dark and had to study and learn all the intricacies of being blind - fending for myself in the dark and facing some personal demons (on the home invasion front and the short skirt wearing front)! A blog for another time . . .

Currently I am at the directorial helm of a Christmas Comedy - and unbelievably enough, unlike most Christmas fodder - its a genuinely hysterical, touching, laugh out loud, wipe your eyes, hold your sides, think about it after you go home, dang GOOD, Christmas show. Christmas and FUNNY dont always go together - but this script happens to weave the hilarity of X-mas silliness with the loveliness of Christ's selfless birth all together in a seamless blend of festive frivolity.

If you are anywhere NEAR Vancouver - come on out and see this show. Seriously funny. And Surprisingly touching. God Bless us Everyone!

Every Christmas Story Ever Told (and Then Some)! Runs Dec. 3-19th at the Magenta Theater. 606 Main St. Vancouver WA.


Ms. Amanda Grace said...

I wish I could come watch! Looks like fun!

Mer said...

Still two more weekends, people! You will definitely want to see this one. :)