Saturday, February 14, 2009


Thanks for tagging me Annaleise - I have had nothing to blog about since Seattle!

this photo was taken of a Christmas Pageant I wrote and directed. Not very exciting but there it is!

Now my turn to tag:I now tag:
1. Merilee
2. Jaynie
3. Annaliese
4. Heidi
5. Pam
6. Angela

Okay, so here's what comes next...
Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
1. Pick the 6th Folder, then select the the 6th picture in that folder.
2. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.
3. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.


Goofiernu said...

Gah!!! That's THREE!!! Hahahaaa!!! Go see my blog...

annaliese said...

yay! you played :)